Things Caregivers Can Do to Protect Their Elders from Scams

It is a sad truth that scammers target older adults more than youngsters. These conmen take advantage of older people's vulnerability, inadequate knowledge of technology, and other emotional causes. Since technology is not the strong point of most older adults, they target such vulnerable people to meet their vested ends. Medicare scams have become one of the most common frauds across Hawaii and the entire US. Everyone is susceptible to scams, but seniors are in a worse position, and thus it becomes imperative for caregivers to protect their loved ones against such scams. SMP Hawaii is a senior medicare patrol program that protects the rights of elders and prevents them from falling prey to Medicare frauds. The advocates take up scam complaints and investigate to their core. They also offer counseling and support to seniors in the case of Medicare. However, as a caregiver, you also have your part to play. If you are wondering what you can do to help your seniors, here are some wa...